The General Inspectorate of Social Security is placed under the authority of the minister responsible for social security.
New online services: access to information on supplementary pension schemes via the platform
To improve the traceability of the second pillar of retirement provision, two new services relating to supplementary pension schemes are now available online at, providing access to authentic sources made available by the General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS).
Transitional period until the end of the year concerning telework in relation to social security affiliation of cross-border workers
Given the exceptional situation due to the COVID-19 crisis, it was decided not to take into account the days of telework linked to the COVID-19 crisis for the determination of the social security legislation applicable to cross-border workers. This exceptional provision will in principle expire on 30 June 2022.
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The information system about social security and health in Luxembourg (in French)
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